Sunday, November 4, 2007

Press Release

After prolong discourse on the need to establish an open ended forum which shall act as a catalyst to bring issues of wide ranging implication on the fate of Kukis beyond boundaries, on the 5th October 2007, Kuki senior students and research scholars in consultation with KSDF (Kuki Students’ Democratic Fronts) , KWHRO ( Kuki Women’s Human Rights Organization) and KPC ( Kuki People Congress) resolved to constitute a support centre which will henceforth be called KISC (Kuki International Support Centre). The Support Centre will function on the bedrock of 3Cs – Consult, Consent and Consensus.
In view of the wide disenchantment witnessed amidst the general public, we seek to clarify certain misconceptions and misplaced assumptions which have disturbed us since the conception of KISC (Kuki International Support Centre). After having discussed and debated on the 20th of October 2007 at JNU’s SSS-II Committee Room about the implication of having to give ourselves such forum as this, it has been unanimously resolved that the following points have to be brought to the notice of all and sundry.

1) It is inevitably necessary to come together under a forum which has a broader outlook. Despite the fact that that we have certain other organs to address our exigencies and need based issues, we at KISC believe that the existing organs are just not enough to look into issues which demand supra-national agenda.
2) For the immediate date, the Support Centre has been mooted and formed with the view to bring into its fold research scholars exclusively from JNU, DU, IIT and Jamia. We at KISC do not, whatsoever, claim to be a part of any political divide and hence do not owe allegiance to any existing party. Nevertheless, we expect to involve Kuki research scholars from across the world in the course of our onward struggle for the betterment of Kuki’s ethno-socio-political culture.
3) Apart from the two elected Co-ordinator and joint Co-ordinator and three media cell in-charge, all the rest of the scholars from the above mentioned Universities will by automatically act as Executive Committee.
4) The Support Centre resolves to have a focused and sustained struggle vis-à-vis democratic movement. To start with, it decides to get itself involved in the ongoing political struggle for democracy in Burma.
5) To have a sustain dialogue it was agreed upon to set-up a media centre which will oversee media related issues and place it in the public domain, essentially to seek legitimacy and support from the general public. We believe that we can only build consensus through consent and consultation. We place premium on the sense of public and cherish the process of democracy.

Paokholal Haokip

Ngamjahao Kipgen
Jt.Co- ordinator

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